Snappy's Point of View

These are my rants, raves and opinions. Some research, some reason and some rationality.

Location: Alabama, United States

Monday, May 15, 2006

Mr. Popularity

As of right now, 8:06 May 15, 2006 President Bush’s approval rating is at a dismal 29%. Up until now, I have been fairly reserved on my rants, so here it goes. This is the worst president in the history of the country! The national deficit is about to hit 1 quadrillion dollars! That is 1000 trillion dollars, holy shit. The budget is screwed up completely, this man hasn’t vetoed a single spending bill, and is still trying to pass more tax cuts faster than you can scream “Fiscal Rape!”
The supply side economics, or the “trickle down” theory as it is known, is in full swing, my friends, this is the economy of the eighties. Does the workingman have it good? You bet we do. Higher gas prices, higher interest rates, more expensive food, lower pay increases and even higher jobless rates. But wait, don’t look at that, we have to help the rich, because then they can invest in the workers. You know what? It don’t Fuckin’ work that way, never has, never will, it is only a theory. The only way for it to work is to eliminate greed, and that will not happen. The rich business owner will try and recuperate his losses before he even thinks about helping the workers any more. Hell, I haven’t had anything higher than a 2% raise in 6 years, and that doesn’t include two years of pay freezes.

This president is a complete and utter failure, and a joke. He campaigned on opening the borders with Mexico, and just tonight, he had a special address to his minions about “tougher border restrictions”.

Here is my beef and complaint. All through the nineties we heard the Republicans “bitching” about the “tax and spend” democrats, damn liberals giving everything away, and how the Republicans were fiscally responsible. Here we are 6 some odd years later, and what have the goddamn republicans proved. They took over with a balanced budget, hell a budget surplus even, and a national debt of 3 trillion dollars, which would have been nearly gone by now, had the plan stayed the course. The Republicans took over all three branches of government, the Judicial, Congressional and Executive. And from day one the first thing that was announced was to give people the surplus of the budget. Tax breaks for everyone, and even started a war on what is now learned as complete lies, and fictitious information. The NSA is illegally spying on our phone conversations, but that’s ok, G.W. gave the O.K.

I am sick of this shit, and this man should be impeached, hell Clinton was impeached for a blowjob, so should the unlawful slaughter of our own citizens be any lighter? But if we impeach Bush, what the fuck are we stuck with, Cheney? Hell he’s the brains of the outfit anyway..

All I am saying is, if we are in Iraq for any reason other than what has been told to us, at least be honest, not a sham. We as hard working Americans deserve that. Hell we will let you piss away money, that has been proven, but don’t lie to us as to how you piss it away.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Retirement? hardly...

The Guardian, a British news source, has released an interesting article on our retirement system. The article staes that Social Security will be tapped out in 2040, one year sooner than predicted, and Medicare much sooner.

Politicians, the republican politicians mostly, have assed up this system. I know president Kennedy was the firstto make the social security surplus a presidential "loan office", but over the years, due to fiscal irresponsibility, politicians have allowed this to happen. I don't have a huge problem with the fact that it has happened, but more in the fact that noone is doing anything to fix it, or change spending habits. Noone could live the way the U.S. government is living. No household budget could stand it. That my friend is where the problem is. The fact that the government is trying to be a "yuppie", and spend like they will get the money tomorrow, rather than budget what they already have.

Another problem I have is, the money we are forced to pay into Social Security and Medicare will never be refunded to us. The thousands of dollars that each individual has to pay annuall, heck, over a lifetime, will be lost to poor management, innadequate legislation and even ignorant laws. The problem, as I see it, is that the system was innacted by a Democratic even Liberal President, Franklin D. Roosevelt. Then over time the opposing party chips away at prior acheivments, if you want to call it that, of the prior sitting administration. In essence you have a catfight between opposing parties, and the only looser is the general public. For years the Republican's have been preaching privitized retirement, but have never stated what will happen to all of the lost money. A 401K, 403B or even a Roth IRA is privatized retirement.

The purpose of Social Security is to help the economy when times get tough, and since times haven't been tough for over 60 years, not many people remember what it is like to truly be broke. This goes for the politicians as well. During the great depression of the 30's times were truly tough, and many had nothing, literally millions lost their homes, could not feed their families, a great depression in every sense of the word. So Roosevelt created and enacted the WPA as well as Social security, The WPA gave people work, and the Social Security forced people to save, because lets face it, American's aren't good savers even when we do have money. The problem came in the 60's when a generation that hadn't relly known hard times came up and saw the excess in the SS fund, and decided it would be wise to borrow against that. Heck it wouldn't even show up in the budget, almost like free money. Then as administrations came and went this practice was slowly perverted and finally, it was out of hand, and we now have too few dollars to provide the coverage it was intended for.

Had the fund been left alone, everything would be fine, but politicians seem to make legislation and rules for the now, not the future. Not only do they seem to ignore the consequences, they also don't seem to anticipate a worst case scenario to plan for.

The average american has less than 20,000 dollars saved for retirement. This is not a good sign, especially since we are supposedly one of the richest nations in the world. What is wrong with this picture?

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Oil, what oil?

Anna Nicloe has won the right to fight for her half of her late husbands estate. I realize that she is more importantly, in a fight with the son of her late husband. Money brings out the worst in people, especially money you don't have to earn. Sad, sad situation.

In other news, Republicans pull tax plan, hurriedly and are scrambling to come up with a bill that is NOT opposed by the Oil Industry executives. Who can blame them, I mean the citizens are trying to crucify these companies for making a profit. What is wrong with a company making a profit? The answer is, it depends on at what costs the profits are made.

The Bush family was involved in the oil industry as early as 1953 with Zapata Petroleum, then in '53 a subsidary Zapata Offshore was created. Move on to 1955 with Permago, then on to 1978 with the infamu Arbusto Energy. Then in 1982 there was Bush Exploration Oil Company, which partnered with Spectrum 7. In 1983 JNB Explorations (Neil Bush). 1986 the affiliation to Harken Energy begins and finally Apex Energy in 1989.

Why does the administration comply with the oil industry? I have no idea.