Snappy's Point of View

These are my rants, raves and opinions. Some research, some reason and some rationality.

Location: Alabama, United States

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Oil, what oil?

Anna Nicloe has won the right to fight for her half of her late husbands estate. I realize that she is more importantly, in a fight with the son of her late husband. Money brings out the worst in people, especially money you don't have to earn. Sad, sad situation.

In other news, Republicans pull tax plan, hurriedly and are scrambling to come up with a bill that is NOT opposed by the Oil Industry executives. Who can blame them, I mean the citizens are trying to crucify these companies for making a profit. What is wrong with a company making a profit? The answer is, it depends on at what costs the profits are made.

The Bush family was involved in the oil industry as early as 1953 with Zapata Petroleum, then in '53 a subsidary Zapata Offshore was created. Move on to 1955 with Permago, then on to 1978 with the infamu Arbusto Energy. Then in 1982 there was Bush Exploration Oil Company, which partnered with Spectrum 7. In 1983 JNB Explorations (Neil Bush). 1986 the affiliation to Harken Energy begins and finally Apex Energy in 1989.

Why does the administration comply with the oil industry? I have no idea.


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