Snappy's Point of View

These are my rants, raves and opinions. Some research, some reason and some rationality.

Location: Alabama, United States

Monday, December 05, 2005

My beef with abortion laws

My beef with the Whole “abortion” issue.

I have been thinking of this for a few weeks now, and have a few thoughts that I would like to just get out there. I don’t believe it is controversial, but it needs to be said.

First off, as I stated in an earlier post, abortion should be a medical issue, not a legal issue but that is my opinion. There are just too many areas to where a politician can get in and screw with the law, and this latest “case by case’ determination isn’t the way to go either, you shouldn’t have to call a court when a physician that upholds his hypocratic oath would work just as effectively.

Second, The issue everyone is bitching about has been called the wrong thing for years now. What everyone means when they say that, “abortion shouldn’t be used for birth control” is that “abortion shouldn’t be used for pregnancy control”. What I mean by this is explained here; I.U.D’s, condoms, the pill, sponge, etc.. are for pregnancy prevention, not birth control. Birth control implies you are controlling an already fertilized egg and pregnancy prevention means the egg isn’t allowed to be fertilized. You may say this is splitting hairs, but it is actually a big difference if you really ponder on it. Once an egg is fertilized, whatever you do to terminate that pregnancy is an abortion, so the goal is for pregnancy prevention.

Thirdly, the largest key to this issue is to truly teach the kids about pregnancy and the responsibility it holds. True sex is fun, true some seem to not be able to control themselves, and pregnancies do sometimes just happen, but knowledge is the key. Should the kids not be told not to have sex, but tell them what life really is like having to raise a kid, that is the key, in my humbled opinion.

Hopefully this issue gets taken care of soon, which ever way it goes.  Maybe also, people will stop fighting over this issue, and discuss the issue because there is a common ground whether each side knows it or not. There is a solution, there is a compromise, there is always a compromise.

The important thing is to not make sex taboo. When it is made taboo and wrong, it then draws more toward it, like a seductress, a delicious seductress.



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