The previous info, and image, I got from the Birmingham City councel web site. I have an opinion I would like to share here. Carol Reynolds, though I do not live in her district, is in a runoff election against a local, I will say "person" for the sake of civility, person for the District 2 seat on the city councel. Sadly, he is not the caliber of person she is and yet he forced a runoff. Carol's record is impressive, and she is a great person. I know someone who is a friend of hers and he constantly tells me of the great things she does. She has a kind heart, and a serious commitment as a public servant, which is not easily said about many people in public positions.
Here is a list of accomplishments from her website;
1. Removed 27 taxi cabs with invalid insurance within first 6 weeks in office
2. Created ordinances preventing taxi industry from over charging patrons
3. Voted to create a stronger police force with advance weaponry
4. Allocated 80% of Discretionary Funds to school enhancements
5. Annexed land into District 2 increasing tax base
6. Voted for $20 million to prevent takeover of public school system
7. Secured $4.7 million for airport noise mitigation buyout
8. Created zone buyout plan establishing time line and defined target area
9. Partnered with Jefferson County for flood buyout
10. Secured $1 million for new library in District 2
11. Secured funding for repair of dam at East Lake Park
12. Secured funding for new gymnasium at Hawkins Park
13. Secured funding for Hawkins Golf Course beautification
14. Contributed to plans redevelopment of Eastwood Shopping Center
15. Contributed to plans concerning the first Publix grocery store in Birmingham
16. Facilitated evening and Saturday bus service through the Transportation and
Communication Committee
17. Replaced bridge at 71st Street South
Pretty impressive if you ask me. The most impressive is these projects are not "pork" type projects, but things that affect the foundation of a community. The woman has her priorities straight, and her record shows this.
So in all fairness, let me introduce you to her competitor if you will.
Here is a bit of a bio that was published in the Birmingham news;
Matthews, an ordained minister who first gained public attention in the early 1990s working with youth as "God's Gangster," knows first-hand about crime and recidivism.
As a youngster, he was a gang member and by 1985 he'd been in and out of jail on a variety of burglaries, robberies, assaults and other crimes. A forgery conviction sent him to West Jefferson Correctional Facility in 1985.
In prison, he became a born-again Christian, Matthews said. On furloughs with the prison chaplain, he spoke to youth groups and preached against crime. His ministry and good behavior earned him early release in 1989 and in 1993, then-Gov. Guy Hunt granted him a full pardon.
Matthews said his second biggest issue is the ever-increasing water rates charged by the Birmingham Water Works Board.
He has a radio show, I'm not shure what church he is a minister of, much less which one he attends. but his past is not one I personally would look at as a "banner". I realize people can change, and sometimes do, but you can only judge people by what they have done in the past, not what the say they will do. That's how I judge people, and believe me, I judge, oh, I judge.
Hopefully Carol will get enough votes to remain in office, she is a good woman, with a great track record.
I realize the majority of you have no interest in this race, but one day, you never know, she may aspire to a higher office in the state, and personally, I hope she does.
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