Snappy's Point of View

These are my rants, raves and opinions. Some research, some reason and some rationality.

Location: Alabama, United States

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Miers nomination withdrawn

Well, it was announced that Harriet Miers nomination for the supreme court was withdrawn this morning. After many unanswered questions and disappointed senators, the inevitable happened. The president stood seadfast beside his decision, as he does with all decisions, whether he is right or wrong.

The good thing is that maybe the case Gonzales V. Oregon might be decided on without the interuption of a new member possibly swinging the vote. The bad thing is that this is just another embarassment for this administration.

The nomination of Harriet Miers was mediocre at best. I realize you can be on the Supreme court with no formal judging experience, but you need more credentials than what she had. This was exhibited by the Senators not supporting her leading up to the vote.

Personally, I believe this was a lure to a trap by the republican party that backfired. I think their plan was to present someone who wasn't going to be voted in by the democrats, then present a hardliner that the democrats whine about, and they could then say,"well, you just don't want to vote for anyone we pick." Instead, what has happened was the Democrats mostly agreed with her nomination but the Republican senators were outraged, therefore forcing the resignation. A failed nomination during the vote would have exposed that more Republicans voted against the Republican nomination and that would not have looked good.

The next nominee will likely be a conservative stalwart and leave the Democrats vigorously opposing the candidate. Other candidates mentioned frequently included conservative federal appeals court judges J. Michael Luttig, Priscilla Owen, Karen Williams, Alice Batchelder and Samuel Alito; Michigan Supreme Court justice Maura Corrigan; and Maureen Mahoney, a well-respected litigator before the high court.

The battle that is going to be embarked upon now will be a hard fought battle. With the weakness of the Republican party exposed, and the many dilemmas currently ongoing i.e. Lewis Libby and Karl Rove in the Valerie Plame scandal, Richard Cheney and his ties to Halliburton and the Valerie Plame case, Michael Brown and the FEMA fiasco, Bill Frist short selling stock from his families HMO and making a HUGE profit just one week before it tanked, Tom Delay and his whole stunt and I am sure there will be more to come.

The only problem I see in the future for the Democrats is their lack of orginization, and being the minority, lack of fight. This withdrawal is one of the best things that could happen for the Democrats. Sandra Day O'Conner will remain on the court through January due to this.

This will now be a third candidate to replace Sandra Day O'Conner. The first was John Roberts, who, when Rhenquest passed away, was quickly withdrawn, and placed as Rhenquists replacement. Then Harriet Miers, who withdrew amidst many negative comments from Republican Senators. Now there will be a third candidate. I will crap a brick if they nominate either Dick Cheney or Tom Delay though. That would be Hubris, and what an example that would be.



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