Could Dick Cheney be stepping down?

There are currently rumors that Vice-President Cheney may resign soon. Many are speculating as to why this is even being considered, but I think I have an idea. This is only speculation, and not based on any hard evidence, nor any reports that I have heard as of yet.
I don’t think this has anything to do with the Valerie Plame case, though I could be wrong. It has been reported that Lewis “Scooter” Libby along with Carl Rove, leaked the CIA agent’s name. Libby, being Cheney’s Chief of staff, has caused a stir as to what directions or instructions he had.
What I think it is, or why he would be stepping down, is more of a self-viewed sacrificial move for the party. Right now, everyone sees the Republican Party slowly disintegrating. Possibly the 2006 elections could turn the Congress and the House back to a Democratic majority, which would take the power away from the Republican Party. Then there is the rumor that Hillary Clinton may be heading up the presidential ticket for the Democratic Party in 2008. Cheney himself stated in a vice-presidential debate in 2004 that he had no interest in running for president, and traditionally, the vice-presidential spot is a sort of grooming spot for a presidential candidate for the sitting party. So, what I think is happening, Alabama native, and secretary of State, Condeleza Rice is going to be put in the No. 2 spot to prep her to run head to head against Hillary in 2008, though I think it is a stretch for the grassroots Republicans to support a minority female as their president. What I mean by that is, a majority of the red states, are typically known as racist states, plus the party itself typically slams women in politics and portrays them as inept.
Now, another option could be Cheney’s ties to Haliburton, and the fact he does have an interest in the company still. He is still on their payroll, and they or their subsidiaries, are getting more no-bid contracts than any one company in the history of America. To be fair to Haliburton and it’s subsidiaries, there aren’t many other companies out there that are large enough to fulfill some of these contracts as quickly as they do, but also the smaller companies wouldn’t blatantly waste money like Haliburton does either. They we used even when Clinton was in office, so it’s not like they just showed up on the map, they just showed up on the radar.
God I love political crap!
I, for one, am thrilled at the idea.
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