Snappy's Point of View

These are my rants, raves and opinions. Some research, some reason and some rationality.

Location: Alabama, United States

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Good Greif, will we never learn

Bush re-states preemptive policies

How can we afford a preemptive strike on Iran, we could never turn up Weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and still have mud on our face over that. Then let's talk about money. Where is that coming from? The latest request from congress will be putting our deficit at 9 Trillion dollars , and I don't know about you, but that is a deep hole to dig yourself out of.

I wish the Republicans still tried to honor their Contractwith America. This was a real well thought out guideline, and I agree with it, or at least the majority of it. Dick Army wrote most of the document. This was put in place in 1994, just six weeks before the congressional election. Which resulted in the first time in forty years that the Congress was not a Democratic majority.

My final gripe on this is that George W. Bush has never, and I mean never vetoed a bill in his time in office. This has even set a record. So just looking at the history of his administration, the latest debt ceiling will rise, and we will try and attack Iran. When will every one wake up and smell the coffee? It is this simple, you either pay now, or pay later. The difference is that it costs more to pay later.

Enough for now, I can only take small doses of ignorance at a time, mine included.


Blogger sandlapper said...

Impeachmentilization needs be put into action on Bush's ass. It is high time that we confront this axis of ignorance and arogance with the same slanderous misuse of the english language that he has impailed America with.
I listened to one of Birmingham's local gospel stations and I could not believe that they are still taking up for this guy. Give me a break! Truly we are like sheep, but damn, even a sheep needs a leader!

3/20/2006 7:13 AM  

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