Snappy's Point of View

These are my rants, raves and opinions. Some research, some reason and some rationality.

Location: Alabama, United States

Sunday, October 02, 2005

A sad, sad situation

There have been a few things on my mind I wanted to share with you guys, and it has nothing to do with sex, porn, alcohol or the combination of any of these. Amazingly enough it has to do with our fellow citizens. Many have heard of the recent tragedies and it is sad. I weep for our nation, and the victims of the awful atrocities. We all know that they could have been avoided, of course hind-sight is always 20/20. Make a small change here, should have done that there, but this is the course we chose. Many people are outraged, and rightly so. I join in on this outrage, so there is only one thing we can do, that is roll up our sleeves and take care of business!
You might be thinking I am referring to the Hurricane, and you would be partly right, but the bigger tragedy is the lame ass excuse for a president. Mr. Arbusto himself. I know that may be a shock to some, but he is more responsible for a lot of the tragedy that developed after the storm hit. His tax cuts stopped the work on building up the levees. His appointees, which make up 73% of the FEMA Executives, are not qualified disaster strategists (or storm folks, as Bush would say). Two hours after the Hurricane hit, the power company in Baton Rouge received a phone call from the Vice-Presidents office to divert electricity to some oil companies, causing two hospitals to be without electricity for two hours. Finally, guess who has the contract with FEMA for clean up after disasters..... you guessed it, Halliburton and Bechtel. Led by Joe Allbaugh, lobbyist for KBR, who was director of FEMA the first two years of the Bush administration.
Now you may be asking yourself, if you are on the religious right, "can this asshole be right?" and sir I submit this asshole is right, and I will give you more evidence. Michael Brown, or "Brownie" as Tex so lovingly calls him, was not Bush's first choice as you previously read. Allbough was Brown's college roommate and Bush's chief of staff as Governor and his campaign director in 2000. So I submit to you both of these gentlemen, were not qualified other than helping Bush pull of the most spectacular scams in the history of man.
But, I'm not calling for impeachment, no that's not what we need. We need an intervention!

To think, all the republicans were pissed because President Bill Clinton got a blowjob, and were screaming for impeachment. But you show complete and utter incompetence, start an unjust war, create the largest budget deficit and national debt in the history of civilization, blame others for the bad stuff, then turn around and accept it, only after you popularity drops to the low 40 percentile. He is still lobbying for his damn personal retirement accounts everyone pretty much laughed about. His whole damn family is in the oil industry, and who is showing record profits, the oil industry. Fuck, when are the republican minions going to realize they are sheep being led to the slaughter, with Christianity as a pretty cover for the agenda. Oh God, I better not get started on that shit... Pat friggin' Roberts, what a goddam joke.

So to summarize, 911, 911, evil doers, stay the course, keep our resolve, 911, terrorists, terrorists, terrorists, *dumb smirk* Laura, God Bless America.

We will have our troops out of Iraq by November, or at least withdrawal will begin then, you fuckin' mark that on your calendar. This isn't by his plan, it's by nature screwing up his plan. Some say God sent the Hurricane to get the sinners, well, if that is true, he sure exposed the weakness of the sinners, the President and all of his men.


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